Kayseri is a city located in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. It has a long history, having been home to several civilizations over the centuries. The city is situated at the foot of Mount Erciyes and covers an area of 17,170 square kilometres. According to the 2021 data from the Turkish Statistical Institute, the city's population is approximately 1.4 million, making it the 14th most populous province in Turkey. Kayseri is divided into 16 districts, including Melikgazi, Bünyan, Akkışla, Develi, Hacılar, Kocasinan, and İncesu. It is the third-largest city in the Central Anatolia region after Ankara and Konya. The city has a rich cultural and historical heritage, having been ruled by the Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman Empires. It is a popular tourist destination, known for its natural beauty and historical monuments.

Kayseri Analysis


The Pupil of Anatolia